Your June issue of ShoreLine is here
June is here, summer is beginning — and ShoreLine is ready to read!
June is here, summer is beginning — and ShoreLine is ready to read!
Some meditations on conflict, journeys and forgiveness.
Our Lent Group this year explored the book Tarry Awhile, written by Selina Stone.
News about our events for Christian Aid Week.
A reflection on the glory of creation — and those who study and learn from it — by Peter Wolfenden, triggered by the recent eclipse.
The Spring 2024 edition of ShoreLine is out!
This is the text of Revd Andrew’s final sermon at CoGS before he departed for Manchester.
Is it a cake for Easter — or for Mothering Sunday? Mthr Anne-Marie Garton explore the history and meaning of this Spring treat.
The latest issue of the Shoreham Beach parish magazine.
Our morning worship for Sunday next before Lent.
Some good reading for the month.
The last ShoreLine issue of 2023 is here.
Photos from the concert in support of Ukrainian children, held in the church on 9th December 2023
The church is looking festive. 🎄
ShoreLine issues
Download your copy of the latest issue now.
Church news
Shelia Powell, our demential represntative, explain our journey to become a dementia-friendly church
Revd Jane reports from the 50th anniversary edition of the annual Christian arts festival.
First Thoughts
Rev’d Andrew suggests that a focus on making the most of individual moments of connection is both good for us, and brings us closer to God.
Shoreham National Watchkeeper Geoff Carr shares his experience as a new member of the Beachy Head Chaplaincy Team [BHCT – a] search and rescue charity – that seeks to save lives at Beachy Head
When CoGS played host to walkers from Refugee Tales.
CoGS history
How prayer shawls became part of our ministry.
CoGS welcomed a group of walkers looking to raise awareness of a type of breast cancer.
Special Services
Fripp reports on our annual Pet Belssing service
How Chrisian charities are using your donations to help ease the crisis