Refugee Tales walks
When CoGS played host to walkers from Refugee Tales.

How amazing that CoGS was able to host a coffee break for 120 participants in the Refugee Tales walk of 2023, from Three Bridges to Worthing. The hospitality was well received, a perfect place for respite – the sounds of the sea, the birds and beautiful sunshine.
Since 2015, Refugee Tales walkers have made a large-scale walk every summer in solidarity with refugees, asylum seekers and people who have been held in immigration detention. Walkers share tales of their lives as they walk, in the way Chaucer’s pilgrims did.
I walked two of the five days, we were blessed with perfect walking weather, good food and company. Each evening ended with the telling of tales heard from people with lived experience of detention, music and often dancing.
Refugee Tales is rooted in the work of Gatwick Detainees Welfare Group. If you are keen to know more, I am happy to chat.