Ode to Rev Steve
A farewell to Revd Steve as he moves on to a new parish

Our curate Steve is leaving us,
And we want you to know
You’ve made so many friends at COGS,
And we’re sad to see you go.
We thank you for all you’ve done for us,
So saying goodbye to you is very hard
But so that you remember COGS
Angela’s painted you a card.
We hope you’ll really like your vouchers
To buy something posh and newish
Something really special
Which is purchased from John Lewis!
Your sermons Steve, so thought provoking
Interesting and stunning
Despite there often being something
That upset the running.
A hymn with the wrong number
A mic that doesn’t work,
Steve you were never phased at all
While we all went berserk!
But I’m sure that you will all agree,
he’s leaving us in fine fettle
Oh by the way his other gift
Is a very snazzy kettle!
As you answer the calling of
Our Lord in heaven above
May He guide and strengthen you
And on you pour his love.
We will miss you in so many ways
It’s hard to see you leave,
As you start your new role in Tarring
You will be a great success Steve.
We’ll think of you at fundraising events
Where you often showed your face
At the chocolate tombola
And of course, the duck race!
Now all that’s really left to say
As our grateful thanks we make
Is please all come and join us in the hall
For coffee, tea and cake!!